Core guidance

AUSTRAC regulates certain business activities in the financial services, bullion, gambling and digital currency exchange sectors. These business activities are called designated services and have been identified because they pose a risk for money laundering, terrorism financing and other serious criminal activities.

If you provide one or more designated services that have a geographical link to Australia, you are a reporting entity and obligations that you must meet under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF Act).

Below are the major regulatory obligations you must comply with as well as guidance to improve your AML/CTF compliance.

The content on this website is general and is not legal advice. Before you make a decision or take a particular action based on the content on this website, you should check its accuracy, completeness, currency and relevance for your purposes. You may wish to seek independent professional advice.

Last updated: 16 Oct 2023
Page ID: 869

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