AML/CTF Reform
From 31 March 2026, new services and entities will begin coming under AUSTRAC regulation following reforms to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) laws. The reformed laws also impact current reporting entities.
The laws reform Australia’s AML/CTF regime to ensure it can more effectively deter, detect and disrupt money laundering and terrorism financing, as well as meet international standards.
On this page you’ll find key information to help you find out if you’re affected, and what you can do to prepare.
Look out for regular updates to this page.
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Further assistance
We are working with industry associations to develop guidance and education materials tailored to your industry. In the meantime, if you have questions about how the reforms impact you, your industry association may be able to assist.
The content on this website is general and is not legal advice. Before you make a decision or take a particular action based on the content on this website, you should check its accuracy, completeness, currency and relevance for your purposes. You may wish to seek independent professional advice.