Freedom of information
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives everyone the right to access AUSTRAC documents, provided those documents are not exempt from public release under the Act.
While you also have the right to amend/correct misleading or out-of-date information in documents we release to you if the information is personal information that relates to you, you don’t have the right to have documents created or destroyed.
Making an FOI application
If you are hearing or speech impaired, or need translation or interpreting services, use our other contact options.
You should also check the information AUSTRAC has published under our Information Publication Scheme (IPS) and FOI disclosure log to see if the information you want is already publicly available.
Your FOI application must:
be in writing
state that the request is an application under the FOI Act
provide enough information about the documents so we can identify them – this is sometimes called ‘the scope of the request’
include an address so we can reply.
We prefer that your FOI application includes a photocopy or scan of your photo ID (for example, your driver’s licence or passport). This enables us to verify your identity as the FOI applicant and ensures the release of information under the FOI Act is reasonable in the circumstances.
FOI request for documentation form
To make an FOI request, use the Freedom of Information Request for Documentation Form (Word, 262KB) or Freedom of Information Request for Documentation Form (PDF, 268KB). Provide as much information as you can about the documents you want. This will help the Freedom of Information Officer identify and locate the documents.
Send the form to us
You can post or email the form to us (email is preferred):
Freedom of Information Officer
PO Box K534
Haymarket NSW 1240
What you need to know
- Once we have confirmed the application is valid, AUSTRAC has 30 days to process it.
- If the information you are seeking relates to a third party, please provide their photographic identification and consent to release their information to you, if practicable to do so. If this isn’t possible, we encourage you to provide a supporting statement detailing why release of the third party’s information to you in the absence of consent would be reasonable in the circumstances.
- If we need to consult with an affected third party the processing time will be extended by 30 days. We will tell you if this happens.
- If you request an internal review of a decision made about an FOI request, someone other than the original decision maker will do the review.
There are no application fees for making an FOI request. However, there may be processing charges for FOI requests for non-personal information, in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Fees and Charges) regulations.
Other requests for information
The Freedom of Information Officer can help with addressing enquiries concerning subpoenas and other notices to produce.
Secrecy and access provisions
All disclosure of AUSTRAC information, other than under the FOI Act, is in accordance with the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF Act). Part 11 of the Act sets out the secrecy and access provisions applying to what is termed ‘AUSTRAC information’.
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